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4 Apr

What do you think of when you hear the word ‘Gelato’? I sooo know what you’re thinking. ICE CREAM. But let me get this straight: Gelato and Ice Cream are like fire and ice. They’re different. Sure, they are both cold. And sure, they both are creamy substances you melt inside of your mouth after scopping a scoop up with a spoon. But gelatos are different. They’re special. I love ice cream, but that’s a total different story.
Sadly, I only went to a few gelato places, and I forgot all the names of them. But one place others keep saying is good is called Gelateria Naia, a gelato shop you can find scattered in many different places in California. Most of them are near San Francisco and the other Northern CA places. I would do anything to go, but never found the chance to.. 😦

Gelateria naia~~

Here’s the website:

Gelato flavors?
There are a TON. I would take all day trying to name just a little of them. A lot of people say that pistachio is really good. I tried a little bit, and it tasted awesome~ There are a bunch of fruity flavors like strawberry and watermelon. And of course chocolate. You can never leave that one out. There’s chocolate with coffee, double chocolate, triple chocolate, chocolate with mint, chocolate everything~ And then there’s the delicious nutty, caramel gelatos that are most of the time really light. I like ALL flavors. I recommend whatever you like after you eat samples 😀

If you’re looking for a nice, tasty treat from the professional background of Italy, go sprint to a gelato shop right away. In a cone, a cup, or in one of those really professional expensive looking glass bowls, whatever. Just find gelato and eat it~ Your day will get better. Don’t underestimate food~ 🙂 It can be more amazinger than you think~

I love how it’s piled so high up 🙂

See the pistachio one? Everyone likes that one.

This is what I’m talking about when I say proffesional expensive looking glass bowls. They’re awesome.

And then there’s the waffle bowl.


Amazing. Just amazing..


Cinnamon Rolls

4 Apr

I love, love, LOVE cinnamon rolls. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.

I took a visit to Berkeley a few weeks ago, and there was an amaaazzinng shop called Cinaholic. It serves different kinds of baked goods, like cookies and stuff, but the cinnamon buns are just fantastic. They are given straight out of the oven, warm and fresh, topped with this special frosting that tastes SOOO good. The frosting comes in different kinds of flavors, and you can choose one. I chose the regular vanilla, and it tasted like heaven :). But that’s not all~ (I sound like some kind of salesperson.) On top of the custom-made frosting are different kinds of toppings to add. Fruits like bananas and blueberries, chocolate chips, cookie dough, oreo bits, marshmallows, nuts, and many, MANY different kinds of awesome toppings are available to choose. I seriously recommend this place if you take a visit near Berkeley by any chance.

That’s from Cinaholic.

And more pictures of cinamon rolls that would make your mouth water 🙂

The Exchange Life

Life as a S. Korean exchange student~~