

4 Apr

Birth Name: Kim Myung Soo

Stage Name: L

Nickname: Center, Cold City Man

Date of Birth: March 13, 1992

Height: 180 cm

Position: Vocalist & Face of the Group

Blood Type: O

Education: Dae Kyung University – Practical Music

Best Feature: Nose

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

This guy might just be the most good-looking guy in the whole Kpop industry.
Infinite’s L is of a total Seoul background, clean and cut. He is a wonderfully talented guy with so many attractive parts to him. I’ll list them down:

1. He is a pretty good singer. His voice is really unique, and is different from others in a good way. It’s not so low or husky or deep. It’s clear and clean, like water. Fangirls would think of his voice as an angel’s.
2. He plays guitar well. GAME OVER. There probably is not a single girl in this world that hates guys that plays guitars. And if there is, that girl probably just has a personal, bad history with guitars because guys and guitars just match so PERFECTLY. And since L can sing too, that makes him a guy that can sing as he plays guitar. And what a wonderful picture we’ve got here. And I’ll tell you something else. This talented guy can play electric guitar too. (*fangirl scream*) So that gives him swag as well as smooth hotness. 🙂
3. He can ACT. Sure, he’s not the best. But… as I said before, Kpop stars aren’t known for having the best acting skills because they are KPOP STARS. They practice all day dancing and singing and going to schedules. Time for practicing acting is probably rare for them, and even if they DO have the time, they would have to focus more on dancing and singing since that’s their job. Meanwhile, Infinite’s L is fine off acting in different kinds of pieces. He came out in Shut up Flower Boy Band, a drama that received much love and popularity. He was good there, and matched his character well, getting praise from others. And even before that, he starred in the Japanese drama called Jiu, where he came out as a villian-murderer person. There, he received praise as well. A few months ago, L acted in the sitcom What is Mom, where he came out along with major, popular stars like Na Moonhee, Kim Byungman, Park Misun, and way more people. Sadly, the sitcom ended quickly because of low ratings. But it still was worth watching, and L came out really good-looking there 🙂 L came out in more than one dramas, which is a big accomplishment for a Kpop star. And I can totally understand whoever put him in the dramas. I mean, he’s popular, good-looking, and can act with a good enough of skill. So why not add him as part of the cast?
4. He can speak Japanese. Not as fluent as a Japanese person, but enough to impress us Koreans and enough to smile dreamily about. He can learn to speak another language? Then he’s smart. He’s a smart Kpop star, which is an aweesommmee thing. 🙂
5. Don’t you love the name L?
6. He’s a MODEL. Yup. He’s handsome, as I mentioned a ton of times before. But on top of that, he can use that heavenly face well in front of the camera. Have you seen Ranking King? The Infinite members once gathered to do a contest of modeling, determining the winner at the end with professionals as judges. Of course L won, and that made the other members whine that modeling was all based on looks instead of skills. But hey, no one can blame L. He’s good looking and can pose in front of the camera like a professional. And those EYES. They are famous for one of a kind sparkling eyes. He can be charismatic with them whenever he wants, probably even making the camera man jump back in surprise.
7. Wow. This list is getting LOOONG. But I can’t take this part out. L’s nunchuck skills. Yup. You heard me right. He’s pure Korean, Seoul and all. But nunchucks?! Ninja?! Yes. He’s a total hot ninja for your information. I only saw him use a nunchuck twice, and those two times were… WOW. He was skilled alright. His face expression was priceless– calm, maybe even sleepy. His hands flew around the air so fast that my eyes hurt. It was amazing! L can do the nuchucks… He’s cool.

Born 1992, L is a perfecto Kpop star that you wouldn’t hesitate on choosing as your forever love.
But of course there’s a quirk. There’s a quirk for everybody. This time, it’s his name: Kim Myungsoo. Have you ever heard of Park Myungsoo? Yup. The hilarious comedian that has a face WAYYYY beyond comparable with our perfect L. Park Myungsoo is funny, and is famous all around Korea. But when L’s real name pops up, anyone can’t help but laugh. Someone as handsome as L and PARK MYUNGSOO?! HAHAHAHHAA. But many fangirls think it’s cute and funny. So people, it’s cute and funny. L is a talented, hot, charismatic flower boy with an adorkable name.

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